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USHUD.com Network of Sites

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USHUD.com is a unique real estate Content Provider and Partner for a variety of Portals and Search Sites looking for expert, professional and comprehensive foreclosure real estate information for every county in the country. You will find the most complete list of foreclosures available anywhere (updated daily), an extensive Frequently Asked Questions section and it is all FREE!

USHUD.com will allow all page viewers free access to the most complete list of government and bank owned foreclosure real estate across the country (100,000 listings and growing) Banks and other Lenders can add their property listings to USHUD.com by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

While there exists various sites that "list" foreclosures, USHUD.com employs patent-pending Mimian technology to allow all users (real estate professionals as well as individuals and investors) to search and sort properties to the zip code level and give you direct access to a real estate professional in your area. USHUD.com consolidates a variety of government foreclosure listings in one easy to use free web site. In addition to listings, USHUD.com provides a step-by-step guide for buying each type of foreclosed property and offers real estate professionals an opportunity to offer services to the general public. In addition to a talented technical staff, the developers of USHUD.com have a combined 50 years of foreclosure real estate experience with thousands of successful transactions.

Finally a Real Estate web site for all people...homeowners looking for a foreclosure bargain and real estate professionals. USHUD.com users will find many reasons to bookmark this site and revisit over and over again. All references from Real Estate professionals are reviewed before inclusion on USHUD.com as Experts. Advertising costs are still reasonable and there are NEVER referral fees to USHUD.com. ALL pages are always FREE to ALL page viewers.

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